אתיקה וניתוח התנהגות
מנתחי התנהגות מוסמכים מחויבים לפעול על פי קוד אתי, אשר נכתב ואושר על ידי ארגון ההסמכה הבינלאומי
קוד האתיקה הראשון אושר בשנת 1988 ע"י הארגון של פלורידה לניתוח התנהגות (FABA) והוא מבוסס על המסמכים הבאים:
Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (APA, 2002)
The Right to Effective Behavioral Treatment (ABAI, 1989)
The Right to Effective Education (ABAI, 1990)
Guidelines for Responsible Conduct for Behavior Analysts (BACB, 2001)
The BCBA and BCABA Behavior Analyst Task List (BACB)
מקורות באתיקה שכדאי לבדוק
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Behavior Analyst Certification Board (2020) Ethic code for behavior analysts
Bailey, J. & Burch, M. (2011) Ethics for Behavior Analysts (2nd Expanded Edition). New York: Routledge
Bailey, J. & Burch, M. (2011) 25 Essential Skills & Strategies for the Professional Behavior Analyst. New York: Routledge
Bannerman, D.J., Sheldon, J.D., Sherman, J.A. & Harchick, A.E. (1990) Balancing the right to habilitation with the right to personal liberties: The rights of people with developmental disabilities to eat too many doughnuts and take a nap. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 23, 79-89
Brodhead, M.T.,& Higbee, T.S. (2012) Teaching and Maintaining Ethical Behavior In A Professional Organization. Behavior Analysis In Practice, 5(2), 82-88
Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2007) Applied behavior analysis (2nd Ed.). Columbus, OH: Upper Saddle River
Johnston, Carr & Mellichamp (2017). A History of the Professional Credentialing of Applied, Behavior analyst, 40, 523–538
Hastings, R.P.,& Noone, S.J. (2005) Self-Injurious Behavior and Functional Analysis: Ethics and Evidence. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 40 (4), 335-342
Houten, R., Axelrod, S., Bailey, J.S., Favell, J.E., Foxx, R.M., Iwata, B.A.,& Lovass, O.I., (1988) The Right To Effective Behavioral Treatment. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 21, 381-384
Schreck, K.A.,& Miller, V.A. (2010) How To Behave Ethically In A World Of Fads. Behavioral Interventions, 25, 307-324
Stein, T.J. (1975) Some Ethical Considerations of The Short Term Workshops In The Principles And Methods Of Behavior Modification. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 8, 113-115
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